Faith is an implausible power to disintegrate mountains of problems and challenges; it is a channel for vessel of possibilities that quickly and painlessly leads to all round breakthrough and a weapon, extremely mighty to pull down the strongholds of the enemies, principalities, and powers of darkness in high places.

Faith is the experience of living in a dynamic and new personal relationship with God through the transforming and indwelling power of Jesus in your body and life. The key to this new experience of living and its essential factor, is trusting God to make you into a new person by allowing him to place the spirit on behalf of Jesus, his son, into your mind and body where Jesus (really Jesus, The Spirit and God, The Father) can do their work to give you a new life.

Faith is the combination force with which you can quench all the fiery darts of the enemies. A person of faith can achieve anything that he or she put their effort to attain. If you do not have faith, you cannot be anything in life, James 1:6-8. It is only faith that can make us achieve our dream and aspirations.

Faith is an electrical current that move to accomplish greater task but cannot be seen with ordinary eyes, it function like magnetic force that can attract anything we desired so much from the bottom of our heart.  Faith is a condition of the human heart that is as real to God as the thing we asked for will be to us when we receive it, Hebrews 1:3. When we receive, what we have prayed for the image is replaced by the actuality.

We trust vegetables and animals; we assume they will perform according to our experiences. We trust other human beings. We trust our surgeon, our spouse, our pilot e.t.c. however, faith in God is supernatural, a gift from God. Faith is not mental assent. Faith is the heart (human spirit) and not merely the head (human reason) simply agreeing that God exists and that his word (The Bible) is true is not Biblical faith. James states that demons believe in this manner and tremble in fear of judgment: thou believes that there is one God; thou doest well: the devil also believe and tremble (James 2:19 KJV). This piece is arranged with practical tips, which will guide your steps to achieving your desires without struggles or labour study and follow these counsel and you will be blessed as you do so.


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